What is
Whitespace is exactly what it sounds like: an area on a web page that contains nothing more than white space. It represents any area of the screen where there are no objects — text, images, menus, ads and any other element — present. Think of whitespace as the expanse between galaxies or that precious empty gap at the back of your wardrobe; it lends order and structure to the chaos surrounding it – in this case planning out how to arrange elements in a design project.
The deliberate use of whitespace has several benefits for web designers; it strengthens legibility by providing large areas of rest for readers' eyes making text easier to read and content easier to skim; thus improving users Experience (UX). Additionally, strategically placed blank space can separate different parts or components visual elements within a layout creating clarity—it’s like organizing every item in your pantry so you know what chips are next to which snacks without having to rifle through all their contents. The correct use of whitespace helps websites feel less cluttered giving viewers additional breathing room enabling them digest sites more amply while keeping cognitive overload down!
It's not enough though just start randomly inserting white space into designs–looking good isn't enough (.i.e., how pages appear visually), but how they work requires extra consideration. When allocating space amongst competing design elements, priority should be given to items which contribute most meaningfully toward usability and content efficiency—for example highly important links instead of irrelevant filler images thus spaces may need extending or reducing depending upon purpose, audience expectations etc..
By deciding where pages do without certain typographic ornamentation such as shadows/borders around images and other graphical elements we can make better connections with viewers using texture (i.e., layering textures over each other), rhythm, form hierarchy as well as tone plus direct cues towards specific call-to-actions rather than random clicking activity which leads nowhere turns users right off!
Ultimately although small proportionally speaking understanding whitespace conceptually will open up opportunities previously untold by introducing a portfolio variety both aesthetically and technically… allowing us balance placement tasks much more appropriately when coming up with solutions moving forward together (+avoiding creating distraction zones further down track) #PeaceOut
Examples of
- Margins between text and images
- Area between columns of text
- Borders within a page layout
- Amount of space above, below, to the sides of elements.
- Size of a title (font-size) in relation to content area around it
- Distance between lines of body copy
- Gaps left around buttons or form fields
- Use of texture over the background and graphical objects
- Outlook achieved via amount by which elements overlap/overhang one another
- Empty grid cells created when items floating into positions relative to overall design
Benefits of
- Use white space to create contrast between elements - highlight blocks of text, images and CTAs with areas of white space that create a visual barrier. This stands out more clearly than if everything is divided by lines or borders.
- Maximize readability by breaking large chunks of content into smaller pieces seperated by white space. When the user views the page, they are able to easily find their place in the content, follow along and consume it better.
- Increase focus for web visitors by leveraging subtle horizontal lines or simple shapes scattered through the design to guide readers attention from one element to another on a page nautrally without excessive use of arrows or circles directing attention around the page like a maze.
Sweet facts & stats
- Whitespace can provide up to 50% of web design in a given page, giving it the space and the opportunity to breathe freely.
- Studies show that websites with ample whitespace see 35-45% higher visual attention than those with cluttered layouts or too little whitespace.
- Designers often use proportional relationships between elements and whitespace to create balance on a page while allowing users’ eyes to effortlessly explore its contents.
- Contrasting white space against darker elements adds depth, drama and sophistication to web pages just as cosmologists study dark matter for contrast across galaxies!
- When there is no clear action message present, more white space leads people to view the website positively 45% more frequently than when minimal amounts are employed..

The evolution of
Whitespace has had a bit of an evolution over the years when it comes to web design. Back in the early days, whitespaces were pretty much avoided as designers wanted to make sure every inch was fully utilised on their pages as well as making sure they kept up with user expectations regarding page loading times back then which meant cutting down on whitespace.
However, times have changed and so has the perception of whitespace from both users and designers alike. In recent years we've seen not only more "breathing space" between elements allowing for improved readability and focus for visitors on a website but also clever use of typographical hierarchy used to great effect; all attributed to use of white space in various locations throughout designs.
This shift wasn't just restricted to visuals either; developers have started having more fun with invoking empty HTML elements too - allowing them to play around with whitespace headlines using pseudo-elements (CSS) or by running ingenious scripts that inject CSS upon page load leading to completely unique experiences on desktop browsers and smaller screens - enabling better usability optimisation along the way.
We're now seeing whitespace being used across devices almost seamlessly — something that didn't appear possible before, given device sizes can be different considerably at times. Even large images are now taking cues from whitespace designs when it comes down how they'll show – featuring grid systems allows sizable images ‘fill’ larger pages while still recognising what's important vs ‘padding’ elements: arguably one of its biggest benefits which is giving organs chances fit naturally into outputted pages/devices regardless size or specs once requested!
Whitespace will continue developing further moving forward, seemingly evolving alongside new trends like those within responsive design where grids are becoming increasingly commonplace. Its future looks bright no matter if you look at from a user's point of view or even from purely an aesthetical perspective since "less is most definitely more" here!